HD LCD Projector

Inventors never cease to create new things that amaze the masses. Our viewing tools are one of the many that never ceases to experience a release of a newer and enhanced version from time to time. From the old black and white television, bulky and heavy ones then turned to colored televisions and it even went out to flat screen tv's. Now another evolution that could be use for viewing movies and for project presentations is the HD LCD projector.
The first time I saw a projector was at our college department during a thesis defense. Then followed upon subject lectures and then when it was my turn to do some deliberation on a certain topic.
You know what's great about HD LCD projectors? It is its capability to be flexible. Flexible in the sense that you can adjust its projected size ranging from the smallest, regular and even larger ones just like in the cinemas if you want. The room/venue/viewing area doesn't need to be too large or too small, as long as the area could be temporarily converted to a "dark room" and good image can be projected in the screen then HD LCD projector fits in. in addition, the physical size of the projector itself; it could be easily placed in a bag and you can carry it anywhere and anytime.
With this great deal regarding HD LCD projector come along its weaknesses. There are certain things that this kind of projector is very typical with. The very first thing is that it couldn't be use for outdoor viewing; it must stay in darker areas. Then its price of course; depends on the size and brand names but usually ranges from $300 to $1000+. You need to have either a laptop or PC to be able to view any movie or do your presentation. Unlike the television, all you have to do is plugged it in and then whoolah! You can watch any show you want from dusk till dawn.
You might be up to purchasing an HD LCD projector for whatever purposes it may serve you, just bear in mind that there are further more important things that should be in the priority list. Happy HD LCD projector hunting!